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Amy has double degrees in (Traditional) Chinese Medicine and (Western Medicine) Genetics respectively which enable her to conduct comprehensive analysis from these two systems. From her extensive experience in medical care, she has specialized in utilizing pulse readings and apecific tongue reading to diagnose underlying and complicated medical conditions. She then applies navel acupuncture and herbal remedies to treat and control issues identified by the diagnoses. Her expertise in this field has led her be appointed as the Secretary of the I-Ching Navel Needling Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine. Amy is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.  

Amy涵盖的学科很广泛,包括中医(针灸)学、遗传学、易经、草药经方、食品营养等学科,她擅长从中医和西医两个体系对疾病进行综合分析。作为世界中医药学会联合会易医脐针专业委员会的常务理事,她的脐针技艺颇有造诣。 她还是世界中联脉象研究委员会的理事和舌诊学会会员,特别擅长舌诊和脉法,通过她独特的专长和技术、综合中西医知识,可以给客人提供全面、细致、准确的诊断,从而给予精准、有效的治疗,并提供健康的饮食和生活方式的指导。 Amy可以讲流利的中文普通话、广东话和英语

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